AD Audio Development W500

AD Audio Development
il tuo prezzo: € 209,00 Prezzo riferito alla coppia (IVA inclusa)
Tipologia Woofer e midwoofer
Dimensione Altoparlante 130 mm
Potenza MAX Watt
Potenza RMS 100 Watt
Risposta in frequenza 50 - 2500 Hertz
Sensibilità 90 dB
Impedenza 3,2 Ohm
Peso Kg
Profondità di installazione 62 mm
Materiale Woofer Fibreglass

MID-WOOFER D.130mm Fibra vetro, gomma, ferrite

AD Audio Development W500


Made in Italy!


Le: 0.8 mH
Re: 3.2 Ohm
Fs: 55 Hz
Qms: 4.22
Qts: 0.56
Vas: 4.45 Liter
Bl: 5.32
Frequenzbereich: 50-2500 Hz


Sd: 78.5 cm²
Xmax: 16 mm
Pmax: 100.0 W
dBSpl: 90 dB



Technische Merkmale:

- CONE: Fibreglass with rubber suspension.
- VOICE COIL: Pure copper wire on aluminium former (Ø 40 mm).
- BASKET: PPO chassis injected with fibreglass, in order to low down undesired distortions.
- DUST COVER: ABS, glued directly to the V/C former, with calibrated weight and dimensions in order to reachthe desired Mms.

AD Audio Development W500

AD Audio Development W500