AD W4 coppia di mid-woofer 100mm con cono in fibra di vetro
- CONE: Fibreglass with rubber suspension.
- VOICE COIL: Pure copper wire on aluminium former (26 mm diameter).
- BASKET: PPO chassis injected with fibreglass, in order to low down undesired distortions.
- DUST COVER: ABS, glued directly to the V/C former, with calibrated weight and dimensions in order to reach the desired Mms.
This 100mm shows how to obtain the high standards of music reproduction even in the budget oriented systems, simply using less selected parts and saving on elements less influents to the final sonic result.
Phase and impedance curves are measured after 20 hours burn-in at 20 W RMS, so are the T / S parameters.
Made in Italy!
Le: 0.49 mH
Re: 2.7 Ohm
Fs: 72 Hz
Qms: 4.74
Qts: 0.82
Vas: 1.5 Liter
Bl: 3.4
80-6000 Hz
Sd: 50 cm²
Xmax: 12 mm
Pmax: 50 W
dBSpl: 87 dB