AD W40 mid-woofer diametro 100mm realizzato in fibra vetro, gomma e ferrite.
Diametro esterno, alette comprese: 123mm
Diametro foro di montaggio: 93,5mm
Profondità di installazione: 48mm
AD W40 - Made in Italy!
Le: 0.49 mH
Re: 3 Ohm
Fs: 77 Hz
Qms: 5.9
Qts: 0.72
Vas: 1.35 L
Bl: 3.9
Frequenzbereich: 80-3500 Hz
Sd: 50 cm²
Xmax: 14 mm
Pmax: 50 W
dBSpl: 88 dB
- CONE: Fibreglass with rubber suspension.
- VOICE COIL: Pure copper wire on aluminium former (26 mm diameter).
- BASKET: PPO chassis injected with fibreglass, in order to low down undesired distortions.
- DUST COVER: ABS, glued directly to the V/C former, with calibrated weight and dimensions in order to reach the desired Mms.
The 100mm midwoofer of AD is the answer for the request of such a small diameter woofer; very extended and with an excellent control, it grants the reproduction of the medium-lows in a very correct and realistic way.
Phase and impedance curves are measured after 20 hours burn-in at 20 W RMS, so are the T / S parameters.