Musway MPK20 cablaggi per amplificatore modello M6 plug and play per Renault (dal 2009).
Alpine A310 Alpine A610 Alpine GT Alpine V6 Avantime Be Bop Captur Clio Clio 2 Clio 3 Clio IV Clio Williams Coupe Dokker Espace Express Grand Espace Kangoo Kangoo Express Koleos Laguna Laguna 2 Laguna III Latitude Lodgy Mascott Master Megane Megane Grand Scenic Megane II Megane III Modus R11 R19 R21 R5 R9 Safrane Scenic Scenic II Scenic Xmod Spider Sportour Super 5 Traffic Traffic ICE Twingo Twingo II Vel Satis Wind